To all the parents out there, who like myself, enjoy reading to their little ones,
this list is for you!
Every Friday I will post 5 children's books that I enjoy reading to my daughter.
I hope you discover some new and interesting books from my suggestions.
Remember to read to your little ones every night!
1. If You Give a Moose a Muffin by Laura Numeroff
If you give a moose a muffin he's going to want some blackberry jam to go with it and chances are ...if you start reading this book you won't be able to put it down! My daughter loves all of the "If you give a..." stories!
2. The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! by Jon Scieszka
This is an adorable retelling of the classic childrens book, The Three Little Pigs. In this telling you'll get to see the Big Bad Wolfs side of the story!
3. Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper
What’s Cooking in the old white cabin? Pumpkin soup, the best you ever tasted! This story is about working together, taking turns, and trying new things. It is filled with beautiful illustrations and is a story I don't mind reading over and over.

4. Russell the Sheep by Rob Scotton
What happens when a sheep can't sleep?
Follow this adorable sheep in his quest to get some shut eye!
5. Friends by Helme Heine
Friends is a story about three friends who do everything together but when night falls they learn that sometimes friends have to be apart but that it's ok because true friends can always find each other, even if its just in their dreams. Nice watercolor pictures and an adorable story about friendship!
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